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CheckListBox ActiveX Control

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to know the status of each Check Box of the list?
  2. How to turn off the checkmark?
  3. How to make double-click on an item to change the state of the checkbox?
  4. Is there a TAG property for each individual ITEM in the CheckListBox?
  5. How to use CheckListBox ActiveX Control in Internet Explorer?
  6. How to add a horizontal scrollbar to the list?
  7. How to pop up a menu when user right clicks on the listbox?

  1. How to know the status of each Check Box of the list?

    Q: Could you please tell me how to know the status of each Check Box of the list?

    A: You can check Value property array. Value property returns and sets the state of the checkbox displayed in the listbox. The Value property is an integer array that each element is a list item. The setting is an integer number specifying the state of the checkbox. False (default) is unchecked, True is checked. The syntax is as follows,

    [form.]Chklist.Value(Index) [= setting%]

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  2. How to turn off the checkmark?

    Q: Is there a way to turn off the checkmark?

    A: You can set NoCheckmark property to True, and then the control will not display a checkmark in the front of each item.

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  3. How to make double-click on an item to change the state of the checkbox?

    Q: Is there a way to make it where you had to double-click on an item to check the box instead of a single click?

    A: Yes. You can set ToggleMode property. There are some choices which let your program work like other popular software.

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  4. Is there a TAG property for each individual ITEM in the CheckListBox?

    Q: Is there a TAG property for each individual ITEM in the CheckListBox Control, or for only the control itself? What is the correct syntax?

    A: The Tag property is for only the control itself. There is an ItemData (Long type) property array which can be used for each individual item in the CheckListBox control. ItemData is an array of long integer. For example, you can use it to store the index of another string array as followings,

      CheckListBox1.ItemData( 0 ) = 2
      CheckListBox1.ItemData( 1 ) = 3
      MsgBox arrString(CheckListBox1.ItemData _ (CheckListBox1.ListIndex))

    Where arrString is a string array.

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  5. How to use CheckListBox ActiveX Control in Internet Explorer?

    Q: I want to use your control in a web page, but it can't work in a client machine without using the installating program from you?

    A: CheckListBox is a licensed control. To use licensed controls in an HTML page on a non-licensed computer, you must generate a license package file (LPK). The LPK file contains the run-time licenses for licensed controls in the HTML page. Lpk_tool.exe, which originally comes with the Internet Client SDK, generates this file. You can download the Internet Client SDK from the following Microsoft Web site:

    To embed CheckListBox control on an HTML page, follow these steps:

    1) Run Lpk_tool.exe on a computer that is licensed to use the control.

    2) Highlight CheckListBox ActiveX control(in some machines, it may be shown as "Chklist control"), and then click Add.

    3) Click Save & Exit, and then type a name for the LPK file.

    4) In the HTML page, insert an <OBJECT> tag for the License Manager object before any other <OBJECT> tags. The License Manager is an ActiveX control that is installed with Internet Explorer.

    NOTE: This CLASSID, "5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331", is for the License Manager and not for CheckListBox ActiveX controls. You must use the same CLASSID every time you refer to the LPK file. In addition, you should keep the Name property of the <PARAM> tag as "LPKPath", and set the Value property for the <PARAM> tag of the License Manager object to the LPK file name and path. This path may be a relative path but must not refer to a UNC share or a URL on another domain.

    Because you can only have one LPK file for each HTML page, make sure that you include all of the licensed ActiveX Controls for the page when you generate your LPK file. For example:

    <OBJECT CLASSID = "clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" VIEWASTEXT>

    <PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="relative URL to .LPK file">


    5) Insert the <OBJECT> tag for your licensed control afterward. For example, an HTML page that displays the CheckListBox ActiveX control looks like this:

    <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" VIEWASTEXT>

    <PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="chklist2.lpk">


    <OBJECT CLASSID="classid="clsid:22A21987-4FA2-11D1-AF19-444553540000"



    Please refer to MS knowledge base article "HOWTO: Use Licensed ActiveX Controls in Internet Explorer [Q159923]."

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  6. How to add a horizontal scrollbar to the list?

    Q: I was wondering if there is a way to get a horizontal scroll bar on the CheckListBox?

    A: In Version 2.5 Build 7 and above, this feature is added to the control. Add following code to add a horizontal scroll bar to CheckListBox control.
    Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
       Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
       ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
       lParam As Any) As Long
    Private Const LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT = &H194
    Private Sub Form_Load()
       ChkList1.AddItem "Line 1"
       ChkList1.AddItem "a big Line 2 some text some text"
       ChkList1.AddItem "Line 3"
       addHorScrlBarListBox ChkList1
    End Sub

    Public Sub addHorScrlBarListBox(ByVal refControlListBox As Object)
       Dim nRet As Long
       Dim nNewWidth As Integer
       nNewWidth = 400 ' new width in pixels

       nRet = SendMessage(refControlListBox.hwnd, _
        LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, nNewWidth, ByVal 0&)
    End Sub

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  7. How to pop up a menu when user right clicks on the listbox?

    Q: I want to be able to add a right click on each item and have a popup menu. One thing that I am having problems with is that if the item is not selected and you right click then the popup menu appears but since it is not selected I do not know which item the popup menu is for, I get the last item normally selected but not the one that I right clicked on. Is there a way with the x and y that I could know where the right click was done? Is there a way that when the right click is performed that the item would become selected?

    A: A right click can't select some items automatically. But you can sends the LB_ITEMFROMPOINT message to retrieve the zero-based index of the item nearest the specified point in a list box.

    Following is an example:

    Global Const LB_ITEMFROMPOINT = &H1A9

    Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _

    (ByVal hWnd As Long, _

    ByVal wMsg As Long, _

    ByVal wParam As Long, _

    lParam As Any) As Long

    Dim lRet As Long

    Dim lXPos As Long, lYPos As Long

    ' Convert the cursor position into pixels , because that is what is needed

    lXPos = CLng(x / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)

    lYPos = CLng(y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)

    ' If the right mouse button is clicked...

    If Button = 2 Then

    ' Get the listitem closest to the cursor

    ' NOTE: Since the X and Y values have to be in the form of high and low

    ' order words, send the values as ((lYPos * 65536) + lXPos)

    lRet = SendMessage(ChkFileList.hWnd, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, _

    ByVal ((lYPos * 65536) + lXPos))

    ' If the returned value is a valid index, then set that item as the selected

    ' item

    If lRet < ChkFileList.ListCount Then

    ChkFileList.ListIndex = lRet

    ' now Popup the menu over the selected item with Selection bar

    ' Highlighting it

    PopupMenu MnuChkListInfo


    ' If not possible to highlight the item then beep and exit


    End If

    End If

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